In this week’s UI Builder Bytes, we’re going to take a closer look at the list components: List and List - Simple. These list components are among the more popular components in UI Builder, and I’ve seen similar questions a few times on the Now Experience community and in the sndevs slack around them. They’re questions that I also had when I first started working with UI Builder and the list components.
Brad Tilton
The Developer Program team is really excited about what we have in store for developers at CreatorCon 21 this year! Here’s everything that we think you as a builder or developer need to know about. Labs Starting on May 11th, we’ve got the ever-popular hands-on, on-demand, labs to guide you through all of our new and popular features. Everything from building your first application in minutes to simplifying integrations and authentication.
This week in our UI Builder Bytes series we’re going to take a closer look at client scripting. We did touch on and do a quick demo around client scripting in the UI Builder - Client state parameters, Client Scripts, and Events post, but I wanted to look at it a little deeper and call out some of the more common methods and properties you might need to use.
Continuing our UI Builder series, in this post we’ll cover theming and styling. If you’ve worked with UI/UX/Experiences in ServiceNow long enough you’ve probably come across different ways of theming and styling different interfaces. CMS, Service Portal, Mobile, and the platform UI all have their own ways to do theming in terms of changing colors, logos, fonts, etc., and the Now Experience UI Framework is no different, though it is different :).
There are a lot of components available by default in the Quebec release in UI Builder you can use to build and customize your experiences, but you may run into a scenario where you need a component to do something that none of the default components can do. I do think that, compared to service portal, developers will not need to build custom components as often as they need to build custom widgets due to the power of UI Builder.
We recently announced our new a low-code visual app environment for creators of varying skill levels called App Engine Studio. App Engine Studio allows you to build an app from scratch or from a template, and: Innovate quickly - Create business-critical workflow apps in a complete low-code experience. Delight your users - Convert ideas into superior end-user experiences across all the moments that matter. Scale without sprawl - Unite business and IT with collaboration, reuse, and guardrails for enterprise-class support.
This week in our UI Builder Bytes blog series we’re going pause from the deep dives and demos, and explore some of the excellent resources that the developer community has created around Quebec’s UI Builder. Dev Program Resources Because I’m not above a little self-promotion, we’ll start with what we have created from the dev program. UI Builder Bytes Blog Series UI Builder Bytes YouTube Series UI Builder Developer Learning Course UI Builder in Quebec - Live Coding Happy Hour for 2021-02-26 Building a Portal with UI Builder in Quebec - Live Coding Happy Hour for 2021-01-22 Theming a UI Builder Portal - Live Coding Happy Hour from 2021-03-26 UI Builder in Rome - Live Coding Happy Hour from 2021-07-22 Creator Toolbox - Building a Notes app in UI Builder Creator Toolbox - UI Builder Viewport Component Developer MVP Produced Resources Aashish Atrey’s UI Builder - chrome_menu blog post.
This week in our UI Builder Bytes series we’re going to take a look at modals. You can access past posts at the UI Builder Bytes tag. So What is a Modal? A modal (also called a modal window or lightbox) is a web page element that displays in front of and deactivates all other page content. To return to the main content, the user must engage with the modal by completing an action or by closing it.
So far in our Now Experience UI Builder series we’ve looked at creating pages, adding components to pages, using data sources to return data from the platform, and then binding that data to our components. As we continue this week we’re going to take a look at client state parameters, client scripts, and events. These are the tools that are going to allow the components on our UI Builder pages to communicate and share data with each other and ultimately make these pages more powerful.
Don’t miss out on the upcoming Virtual Developer Meetups! The ServiceNow Developer Program helps to sponsor 60+ Meetup chapters around the world where you can connect with developers, discuss ServiceNow application development, and learn about new release capabilities. Find an upcoming Meetup here. Why attend a meetup? Developer Meetups are where you’ll get the chance to network, learn from, and bond with a community of like-minded professionals within the ServiceNow developer ecosystem.