It’s Paris mobile week here on the developer blog, and my favorite new mobile feature in Paris is Actionable Push Notifications. These actionable push notifications allow the mobile app user to take an action by hitting a button on the notification itself without having to open the app or a browser. The most obvious use case for this is being able to approve or reject an approval directly from a push notification, similarly to how notification mailto templates have allowed you to approve directly from an email for a long time. See an example below:
Actionable push notifications in Paris are set up similarly to and still have the same overall structure as standard push notifications shown below.
Setting up an Actionable Push Notification
The process for setting up a new actionable push notification is detailed in the Paris docs so I won’t go through it in detail here, but I do want to call out some of the new functionality.
If you create a new Push Notification in Paris you’ll see a new field on the form called Actionable. If checked it will display a new Category field where you can select a Push Action Category.
You can find a list of all of the existing OOB push action categories and descriptions in the docs, and you can also create your own. The push action category has a list of up to three Push Actions that will show on your notification. For example, the OOB approval Push Action Category looks like this:
Once you have associated a push action category to your push notification and saved it you’ll see a new related list on the form called Push Action Instances. In this list you can map an individual push action (like Accept) to a new or existing mobile function. In the screenshot below I’m mapping a new push action called Complete to a mobile function I have called Complete Todo that sets the state of my Todo record to Complete.
From this point you would continue to setup your actionable push notification as you normally would for a regular push notification.
Stay tuned for more Paris mobile content this week, and be sure to let us know in the comments if you’ve done something cool you want to share around actionable push notifications.
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