Thank you everyone who attended the Q2 Regional Dev meetups! You made it a success! We did four sessions for India, EMEA, AMS, and APJ with India getting the highest attendance. Here’s my overall recap (since all four followed a similar format). Introductions Dev Program Introduction Review of 2021 developer survey results & CreatorCon 2021 discussion Jeopardy Open networking discussion After Brad and I introduced ourselves, I spent a couple minutes talking about what the developer program has to offer.
Don’t miss out on the upcoming Virtual Developer Meetups! The ServiceNow Developer Program helps to sponsor 60+ Meetup chapters around the world where you can connect with developers, discuss ServiceNow application development, and learn about new release capabilities. Find an upcoming Meetup here. Why attend a meetup? Developer Meetups are where you’ll get the chance to network, learn from, and bond with a community of like-minded professionals within the ServiceNow developer ecosystem.
Did you know that the ServiceNow Developer Program helps sponsor a community of 60+ Developer Meetups worldwide? Last quarter, organizers hosted 20+ Meetups with attendees from around the world. We are continuing our Virtual Meetups.
What are developer meetups? Developer meetups are events where you can meet up with colleagues in your area to learn and discuss ServiceNow Application Development. Get support from the community of developers, the Developer Program, and ServiceNow employees and partners.