Upgrading your ServiceNow instance is a well-documented process. There are blog posts, Docs, Checklists, and the success center. Lesser known and documented is monitoring and upgrading your applications. With the increasing number of applications shipped through the Store upgrading, your applications will be an ever-increasingly important function. Upgrade Skip List After updating any application from your application repository or Store, a review should be performed of the upgrade history entry.
It is ServiceNow’s new release season! With the Paris release in Early Access, we will show some enhancements targeted around being more effective and efficient as a developer. To get access to these new things, you have to upgrade! This article will be about the new features available to help scope the size of the effort and improve the Admin/Dev team’s upgrade experience. Upgrade Center New in Paris is the Upgrade Center.
Reviewing Skipped Items The London release introduces a new tool for debugging upgrades and we will look at an overlooked but time-saving Jakarta release item as well. As a customer and partner, I have done quite a few ServiceNow upgrades. Helping others in the community with their upgrades has been a long-running theme. There are some newer platform features which I think are worth sharing with the community. There are several reference documents for the full upgrade process here.