Andrew Barnes

Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

Conditions Conditions live in quite a few places in our lives as developers. In ServiceNow, they play an important role not just in our code, but also spread throughout the Graphical Interfaces in the no/low code components. The condition builder has flexibility and some common pitfalls that we are going to explore in this article.

The condition builder starts with a field, an operator, and the operator’s inputs. Which operator and the types and numbers of inputs depend on the field type being selected.

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

[Update October 2019] Our own mechanism is now deprecated in favor of the Idea Portal in the Community. We absolutely want you to continue to submit feedback about the platform, but this is now the intake mechanism of record. Thank you! As we continue forward iterating on the ServiceNow platform, we always want to make our tools better and your experience as a developer better. As we plan future releases, we want to know what your pain points are so we can make them better.

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

Offline for Mobile As promised we will cover more of the Madrid mobile features. Today we will look at the ability to configure and use offline abilities in the new mobile application. Offline on mobile devices opens up the locations and types of applications that can be deployed to your workforce. The offline mode must be installed by ServiceNow, which means you need to use HI to request the plugin for customer instances.

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

Virtual Agent The spotlight for today is Virtual Agent which was introduced in London. The developer blog has a previous post Virtual Agent (London) to get you familiar with the product so check it out first before you read on about the new changes in Madrid. On to the changes we go! Condition builder One of the first and notable changes is the addition of the condition builder to many of the activities.

Andrew Barnes

4 minute read

Mobile in Madrid One of my favorite things in Madrid is the changes to Mobile. This will be a multipart series as we have a great deal to cover. Right off the bat, there is a whole new native app in the iOS and Google Play stores. ServiceNow Agent is its name. The previous mobile app is now named ServiceNow Classic. This single App will be the basis for all of the new targeted applets and experiences you make for your users.

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

Payload Builder A handy new feature in Madrid is the payload builder. This allows for reasonably simple name-value pairs payloads to be crafted into a payload object. The ability to use the inputs combined with a payload builder lowers the bar for building dynamic integration actions.

You can see the Name-Value pair setup is pretty straight forward using the data pill setup that is now familiar in Flow/Action Designer.

Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

Decision Tables The first feature in Madrid I am going to highlight is Decision Tables. These decision tables are a place to store the decision logic for variable situations. Each decision table record (sys_decision) handles a single decision. Related lists are the decision inputs (sys_decision_input) and decision (sys_decision_question) records. Each decision record contains an answer.

Our example will be for routing after hours service calls. We take multiple inputs in the form of location, time of submission, and the service.

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

Madrid is here! In keeping with our twice a year tradition, we are excited to announce early access for the Madrid release! New for Developers in Madrid Agent Workspace - configurable service desk application interface Automated Test Framework - Smart Suites, Quick Start tests, Parameterized tests Flow Designer - Decision Trees, run as, looping, improved APIs Mobile Studio - for building Applets along with new mobile applications Those are just a few of the highlights you will find in the Madrid ServiceNow release.

Andrew Barnes

7 minute read

GlideRecord To start the new year, I want to dive into the depths of the GlideRecord object and how this information can make you a better developer. This article will be at a reasonably advanced level but should be valuable for most any level of ServiceNow developer. We will utilize a variety of tools to expose the details of GlideRecord under the hood. The easiest way to inspect the details of the fields and values that are available to the GlideRecord object and when they are available is the script debugger.

Andrew Barnes Dave Slusher

2 minute read

2018 This has been an exciting year at ServiceNow and the Developer Program. We wanted to take a moment to thank all our readers that come visit the blog. From Andrew Joining ServiceNow this year and working with Dave Slusher has been a pleasure and I am looking forward to next year. We have traveled around the world in the last few months visiting with developers and writing blogs in airport lounges.