The teaser is no longer needed. The new site is here! The site has been rebuilt to be streamlined and personalized so you can get the information you are seeking faster, and take the actions you need quicker. In addition to all the existing content, the site has introduced content for developers and designers to leverage the new Now Experience UI Framework and Design System. Most of the site is now built from the ground up with the tools provided in the UI Framework. The blog and other parts not yet converted will come in a later phase.
Site Header
Let’s take a look at the header. A streamlined set of top-level categories divides the content and site in the middle. On the right, you have the version selector that allows for switching the content relevant to the selected release and signing in. Selecting one of the headers reveals a detailed menu catered to providing quick access to the content. Each menu section has an overview page that you can visit to find descriptions, or you can use the navigation to get right where you are going if you are familiar with the site already.
Personal Developer Instance
Changes have come to improve how you request and manage your personal developer instance (PDI). If you don’t have an instance you will have a request instance button. Once you have an instance you will see the profile icon in the top right of the page will show the status (green/red) for your instance at a glance. Clicking your profile icon will reveal all of the actions and information you would have been used to on the manage instance screen without having to navigate away from the section of the site you are on.
On the homepage, you also have a module along the left-hand side that allows quick and easy access to your instance and management.
Home page
In addition to the PDI section detailed above, the homepage surfaces many other useful components. Along the left-hand side, you will find quick access to Your Instance, Recent Blog Posts and, Trending Discussions. Along the top, you will see current News and Events.
Along the inner body, you can find quick and easy access to training content you have started or can start. Then projects from the other developers you can download and use in the Share Projects.
The footer allows for quick navigation to places both inside the developer site and external to the developer site. The external links are denoted here and through the site with the jump arrow following the link. Use the handy give feedback button to tell the Developer Program of how we can improve the website.
Now Experience
The developer site created using the Now Experience technology is an exciting journey. In a future blog, we will have the developer site development team sharing what they have learned through the transition process. Navigate to the Docs, the recent Blog, or the Guides to learn more.
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