This week on the developer blog and youtube we’re focusing on the Automated Test Framework, or ATF. If you’re not already familiar, ATF enables you to create and run automated tests to confirm that your instance works after making a change. For example, after an upgrade, during application development, or when deploying instance configurations with update sets. Review failed test results to identify the changes that caused the failure and the changes that you should review.
ATF has been around for a while now and gets enhanced with every release to provide more coverage and better functionality.
Headless Testing
The headline of ATF in Rome is the ServiceNow Headless Browser for ATF. Using the headless browser you can improve UI testing by automating the creation of browsers to process ATF UI tests. You can then test UI functionality without having to manually open a browser to the Client Test Runner, which is used to process the UI tests in your local browser.
In addition to the docs linked above, you can watch Headless ATF - Live Coding Happy Hour for 2021-07-29 to see how to configure it for your instance.
Other New ATF Features
Improved Screenshots - Previously, if you wanted your test to take screenshots there was a property to specify the height of the window for the screenshot. If ATF was taking screnshots of both short and long pages this was difficult to set correctly. You can now tell ATF to capture the full page in the screenshot. NOTE: this can significantly slow test execution.
Select2 functionalities in ATF - The Select2 library is used across the platform (for example, in the App navigator). These fields that look like searchable dropdowns are now testable using ATF.
Assert Text on Page test step supports Workspace - Before Rome, assert text on page couldn’t find text in shadow roots and slots, which made it difficult to use with interfaces that use shadow DOM, like Web Components. In Rome this step now works with slots and Web Components.
Other Resources
Check out the full list of Rome ATF Release Notes.
Make sure to check out our Rome Release Resources blog for links to all of our Rome release enablement content from the Dev Program.
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