Dave Slusher

1 minute read

YouTube video:B B https://youtu.be/JrVGodtzY3U

The Live Coding Team: dave.slusher, ctomasi, josh.nerius

In this episode, Dave Slusher, Josh Nerius and Chuck Tomasi examine using Moment.js as a tool for putting some coherence in the Travel Tracker application where every single flight brings in: local time at origin, local time at the destination, instance local time and UTC. These can be and often are four different timezones! Can we use Moment.js to help?

Video Index

00:00 - Already in progress because of technical issues

01:40 - Laying out the problem and how to incorporate Moment.js as a solution

04:50 - What is in the data package?

10:30 - The system has a Timezone picker!

15:30 - Our scoped app would rely on changing global preferences

17:30 - Moment.js has an API to enumerate timezones!

19:30 - Importing Moment.js vis Script Include

23:30 - Testing Moment from Scripts Background

29:00 - Experimenting with instantiating times in various timezones

47:00 - Determining that Moment.js has what we need, I need to understand the API better

49:30 - Josh mentions TimezoneDB

51:50 - Final beer thoughts

Useful Resources


Further work was performed, and MomentJS has been a champ. Success!
