Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

CreatorCon 2021 Virtual Hackathon

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Announcing the CreatorCon 2021 Virtual Hackathon

Join the CreatorCon Hackathon virtually. Teams of all types will go head-to-head in a weekend-long quest for fun, prizes, and glory. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills and build apps that solve real business problems.

What is the CreatorCon 2021 Virtual Hackathon?

CreatorCon Hackathon is a weekend-long event to rapidly prototype ideas using the Now Platform App Engine. You get to build apps and solutions on the latest release of the Now Platform with support from ServiceNow experts. The goal is for participants to take an idea, make a plan, and then turn bring it into reality.


The event will run from 11 AM EDT on Saturday, May 8 to 10:59 AM EDT on Sunday May 9 and will be kicked off with a special edition Live Coding Happy Hour at 10 AM EDT.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Register for Knowledge 2021.

  2. Add to your list the Hackathon Session

  3. Create or join a team.

  4. Subscribe to the CreatorCon Hackathon Community Forum to ask questions and get updates about the hackathon. You can also use this forum to look for a team or team members.

For more information including FAQs visit the CreatorCon Hackathon 2021 page.

Let us know at the CreatorCon Hackathon Community Forum if you have any questions, happy hacking!
