Brad Tilton

3 minute read

As we bid adieu (or good riddance) to 2020 we here at the ServiceNow Developer Program wanted to highlight our top 10 pieces of content from 2020. In order of oldest to most recent, here they are:

  1. Blog: Source Control and CI/CD Resources - The Orlando release brought some major enhancements to ServiceNow’s source control integration and added some CI/CD capabilities in the form of automated testing and deployment APIs and IntegrationHub spokes.

  2. Blog: Be a Better ServiceNow Developer - Guest post from Developer MVP Robert Fedoruk on how you can be a better ServiceNow developer if you don’t have a development background.

  3. Blog: Using the HTTP Effect in a Now Experience Component - When working with Components in the Now Experience UI Framework you’ll most likely come to the point where you need to interact with ServiceNow data. In order to do that you’ll need to use the HTTP Effect to make an http request to a ServiceNow REST API. This post walks you through that process.

  4. Blog: Paris Resources for Developers - Find a list of new Paris release features along with links to all of our blog and video enablement content.

  5. Live Coding Happy Hour: Upgrading our instances to Paris - We walked through the process to upgrade from Orlando to Paris and highlighted the new features in the upgrade center.

  6. TechNow: Building Now Experience Components - Join the TechNow team and their very special guest, Wolfgang Wedemeyer, Staff Software Engineer at ServiceNow as he takes you through the process of building, publishing, and presenting a Now Experience component that interacts with ServiceNow instance data.

  7. Live Coding Happy Hour: Process Automation (PAD) for Meetups - On this episode, we were joined by Lisa Holenstein to enhance the process for onboarding new meetup chapters by leveraging Process Automation Designer (PAD) to provide better visibility and flow for the tasks associated to the process.

  8. Live Coding Happy Hour: Now Experience Component Building - On this episode, we built a component using some of the new Paris release input components and added it to our artifact manager workspace.

  9. Video: Learn Integrations on the Now Platform - This video series guides you through many of the concepts, techniques, and best practices regarding importing and exporting data with various types of ServiceNow integrations.

  10. Podcast: Break Point - IntegrationHub with Josh Nerius - Our old friend Josh Nerius joins to have a conversation about IntegrationHub. We talk about everything from spokes to a couple of his favorite IH features. It’s 30 minutes of jam packed information.

Do you have any other favorite pieces of content? Let us know in the comments.

Happy developing in 2021!
