Lauren McManamon

1 minute read


Our modern mobile developer experience has been around since our Madrid release in early 2019. It’s now 2023 and the Utah release b and we continue to make the developer and admin experience better, which ultimate results in a better user experience and adoption. Our guest today spotlights some of the new features in the our latest release.


  • 00:00 Welcome/Introduction
  • 05:03 The mobile origin story
  • 09:22 Utah features - Theming
  • 11:58 Admin features
  • 14:27 Agent features
  • 16:16 Action based location tracking
  • 17:38 Usability
  • 24:03 Accessibility
  • 24:41 For the developers
  • 28:58 Where to find more info
  • 30:30 The roadmap
  • 32:18 Inbal’s favorite feature
  • 33:39 Contact info
  • 34:04 Outro
  • LinkedIn
  • Email

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