Chuck Tomasi

3 minute read

One of the coolest developer tools in the Quebec release is the Script Tracer. Script tracer helps you identify scripts that perform the GlideRecord operations down to the exact line of code during execution. This reduces the number of scripts that may have issues and need to be debugged. This saves time and improves productivity.

Note:b/Script Tracer requires the admin role.

You can find the Script Tracer by navigating to System Diagnostics > Script Tracer.


A new window appears with the Script Tracer running. If youbve already got the debugger window open, just change to the Script Tracer tab.


After Script Tracer is started, click Start Tracer. Next, execute an action that updates a record, for example change the priority on an incident. When you’ve completed the action, return to the debugger window and click Stop Tracer. Script Tracer displays all the synchronous server-side scripts execute as part of that transaction including UI actions, business rules, and script includes. You can use the following filters to help narrow the focus:

  • File type: Search for a specific file type to review (e.g. business rules).
  • Table: Identify a specific table for the script being executed.


The Script Tracer searches for changes in the script during execution and presents a list.

Clicking any of the operations on the left reveals details on the right. By default, you see which fields have changed on the State tab.


If you are looking for a specific field, use the search in the upper left.

Use the tabs to see specific information from the tracer:

  • Stateb/shows you the difference in the value of the old and new variables in the script.

    By default, it displays only changed field values. Use the checkbox to show all fields. If you want to view all the fields irrespective of whether they have undergone a change or not, then you need to uncheck the checkbox.

  • Script displays the line of scripts at which the Glide Record has undergone change during execution. Click the show script button to display the entire script!


  • Transactionb/shows the full transaction records of the tracing which gets executed.

Here are a couple other features you might find useful:

  • Debug Script allows you to debug the script by opening the script in script debugger.

  • View File opens the script in the platform for editing.

If an error occurs, the line number of script is displayed at the point of fault.

  • Clear trace allows to clear all the trace once you are done. This action cannot be undone.

By default, Script Tracer shows up to 1000 lines of trace. Once this max number is hit you need to be clear the trace and start tracing again. To change this limit, update the property bglide.debug.trace.trace_line_limitb.

I hope you find Script Tracer as useful as we do for shortening your scripting debug time.
