Brad Tilton

1 minute read

This week, we are continuing the San Diego Release Season content with new features centered around managing your development. These include source control, bulk adding to global bundles, and converting your app records.

So what’s new?

  1. Enhanced Source Control stashing: Previously, when you stashed changes there wasn’t much info available around the stash after the fact. The new enhancement provides more details.

  2. Convert custom applications to upgrade from the application repository - Previously, if you had an application you installed into your production environment with update sets instead of the application repository, you would need to involve ServiceNow’s support team to convert the application to be able to receive updates through the app repo. No more!

  3. Bulk add from update sets to global application bundles - Previously you could only add updates from one update set at a time to a global application bundle and you can now do them in bulk. This should make it easier to switch from using update sets to the application repository and source control for managing your global development.

We’ll be running through a demo on these topics on Creator Toolbox this week. Join us!
