Lauren McManamon

2 minute read

*And yes, that title WAS meant to rhyme! *

Before we all rush out the door to enjoy Thanksgiving, I wanted to put out a brief reminder. One of the benefits of moving App Engine Studio and App Engine Management Center to the ServiceNow store, is that it allows the product team to make upgrades agnostic of the standard 6-month cycle or patch updates.

However, the downside is that there isn’t a lot of fanfare when this happens like for a release. Heck, this round of improvements came out 2 weeks ago and it even snuck up on me! So, if you’re already running your instance on the Tokyo version, be sure to check out what AES 22.1.1 and AEMC 22.1.2 have to offer.

AES 22.1.1 Changes

  • Taxonomy override on type label
  • AES Core Performance improvements
  • Misc. usability improvements
  • Improved messaging on templatization failure conditions

AEMC 22.1.2 Changes

For each app that has been deployed to production, App Engine admins can now see usage data in AEMC. These metrics include… - Both a usage summary for the current month - Aggregated number of users, inserts, and updates - A more granular view of the usage of various experiences in the app through User Experience Analytics

Parting Words

This blog is one of the few things left bringing out Tokyo release calendar to a close. For all other content regarding the Tokyo release, please visit out Tokyo Content Calendar here.

If you’d like to see these improvements in action, my colleague on the Creator Workflows SC team - Dale Stubblefield - just put out a great video on the matter!
