Brad Tilton

1 minute read

Here on the developer blog we try to regularly highlight the contributions from our 2021 Developer MVPs. They produce an abundance of great content aimed at ServiceNow developers that I’ve listed below grouped by the content creator. Nia McCash Mixed Bag of Tips, Tricks & Resources - Part 1 Test Data Strategies for the Automated Test Framework (ATF) How I’m Learning to Build Now Components 3 Mistakes I Made as a New ServiceNow Developer Mark Roethof Unrevealing Instance Scan and sharing parts of the undocumented Toggling Virtual Agent chat client (using Agent Chat configuration!

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

Move over GlideRecord, there’s a new API in town that’s taking the ServiceNow developer community by storm. Join Peter Bell as he talks about all things GlideQuery and find out why all the cool kids are adopting it. Topics 00:00 Welcome and introductions 06:31 The genesis of GlideQuery 09:59 Failing is a first class feature 14:05 Product status 16:12 What about rebuilding it in Java? 20:05 Advantages of GlideQuery 23:49 Deep dive into GlideQuery objects 30:53 Performance 35:46 Advice to getting started with GlideQuery 38:46 Roadmap 42:47 Contact information 43:46 Outro Links Email SN Devs Subscribe to Break Point Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music Stitcher TuneIn RSS Check out the other ServiceNow podcasts.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

On this episode, join Brad and Chuck as they build a front-end for a Notes app using out-of-the-box functionality in UI Builder. They’ll attempt to replicate the functionality from the Creating Custom Widgets Service Portal training on the developer site. Topics 00:00 Start 02:13 Intros and announcements 04:12 Topic overview 06:42 Screenshare start - laying out the components 15:24 Client state parameters 16:48 Getting data from the server 19:42 Clicking a row 22:05 More client state parameters 24:54 Sidebar - Javascript double-bars 27:16 Updating the record 28:00 Adding a refresh list client script 29:21 Adding an Update button 35:00 Adding a New button 40:56 Debugging 43:42 Getting a default note 51:42 Sidebar - Helpers 53:23 Summary and Signoff Links Component docs UI Builder Bytes About: Creator Toolbox is a weekly show provided by the ServiceNow Developer Program.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

On this episode, Developer MVP Mark Roethof will join us to explore how we can automated instance scan through new IntegrationHub spokes. Crack a beverage and come join us! Topics 00:00 Start 01:54 Welcome, introductions and beers 05:15 Topic overview 10:56 Exploring the REST APIs 23:13 Creating an update set scan action in Flow Designer 32:20 Testing the new action 39:51 Use cases 42:03 Creating a new flow with the new action 50:55 Reviewing the Get Instance Scan Results action 55:10 Q & A 56:55 Rating of the beers, announcements, and send off Links Code Repository Dev Blog About: Live Coding Happy Hour is a weekly show provided by the ServiceNow Developer Program.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

On this episode, join Brad and Chuck as they discover the low-code capabilities of Flow Designer. Watch and explore some examples how you can use light scripting in Flow Designer actions to get the results you need. Topics 00:00 Start 01:40 Welcome and introductions 03:40 Topic/problem introduction 06:05 Screenshare and app overview 08:02 Calculating the line item amount with a new flow 12:54 Scripting on a field value 16:28 Making fields read-only 20:28 Creating a custom action 29:48 Implementing the custom action 34:49 Q & A 37:35 Code snippet 39:10 Recap 40:20 Announcements 42:27 Send off Links Docs: Execution order of scripts and engines (Q) About: Creator Toolbox is a weekly show provided by the ServiceNow Developer Program.

Brad Tilton Chuck Tomasi

2 minute read

For the last few years, Andrew Barnes has been serving the developer community as one of your advocates. We’re excited to share that Andrew is taking on a new role here at ServiceNow where he will focus on working closely with our customers on building best practices for citizen development, primarily, managing, governing, and scaling application development on ServiceNow (including citizen development). While we are absolutely going to miss him, we’re excited that Andrew is getting to take on this new role where he’ll be able to work even more closely with some of you on managing development on ServiceNow.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

Our ServiceNow CEO, Bill McDermott, has a key principle that states “Trust is the ultimate human currency”. But as a developer, how do you establish and build that trust b especially if you’re new? I’ve got someone here who can help. Topics 00:00 Welcome and Introduction 03:20 Trust is the ultimate human currency 05:19 The experienced developer 10:05 Virtual vs. in-person 12:44 The new developer 16:19 Common mistakes 19:21 When you lose trust in someone else 22:19 Rehearsal 26:02 Takeaways/Contact info 26:53 Outro Links Shellie on LinkedIn Email shellie.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

Join us as we dig in to the “wizardly ways” of debugging your code. There are several places you can write code on the Now Platform. And when you find yourself getting unexpected, or no results, it’s time to reach for some debugging tools. Topics 00:00 Welcome and introductions 06:29 Poll #1 08:56 Demo start and problem description 13:30 Debugging options 14:47 Introducing script debugger 16:08 Setting a breakpoint 19:02 Other options prior to Quebec 20:30 Introducing Script Tracer 29:31 Andrew’s tip: Deactivating files 30:53 Debugging flows 33:21 Introducing Logpoints 37:38 Other tips and tools 39:49 Poll #2 43:08 Upcoming announcements & reference info 45:30 Final Q&A Links Script Tracer Script Debugger SNUtils Video: Debugging Service Portal TechNow Ep 87 - Exploring ServiceNow DevOps TechNow Ep 71 - Move It!

Brittany Navin

4 minute read

This is a guest post from one of ServiceNow’s internal software engineers, Brittany Navin. Brittany is currently working on App Engine Studio. In the past, Brittany has worked on Guided Application Creator, Studio, and Mobile Studio. GlideRecord vs GlideRecordSecure There’s a deep, dark secret lurking within the ServiceNow scripting library: GlideRecordSecure. GlideRecordSecure is like a not-so-evil twin to GlideRecord but with added functionality. One of the most common questions that I receive from my colleagues and ServiceNow Developers alike is “What’s the difference between GlideRecord and GlideRecordSecure?

Andrew Barnes

7 minute read

We hope everyone has been enjoying the Knowledge Digital Experience this year. The Hackathon winners were just announced via the video session on the knowledge experience platform. The corporate ServiceNow Blog also has a featured post outlining the winners! The Hackathon team and I had a fantastic weekend helping answer questions in zoom Guru help hours all through the 24 hours! When not helping directly, we were live streaming, and watching live streams.