REST Message

Dave Slusher

1 minute read

YouTube video: The Live Coding Team: dave.slusher, ctomasi, josh.nerius In this episode, we begin working with Dave’s Travel Tracker application and integrating with the FlightAware API to get real time status information about commercial airline flights. We do outbound integration with REST Messages and also create a Scripted REST API to accept status information via the FlightAware webhook. Video Index 02:11 - Introduction to Travel Tracker 04:47 - Introduction to FlightAware API 07:27 - Showing the Script Include with API calls 09:38 - Looking at the payload of the Flight Info webhook call 11:27 - Building the Scripted REST API 29:16 - Saving the API information back to the records 48:17 - Registering the Scripted REST endpoint with FlightAware 53:08 - Setting the alert for our flight 58:43 - Closing comments Useful Resources

Josh Nerius

2 minute read

YouTube video: The Live Coding Team: josh.nerius, dave.slusher, ctomasi In last week’s Live Coding Happy Hour, we picked up where we left off previous week and figured out how to programmatically get an OAuth Access Token from the oauth_credential table for our integration. Video Index 04:04 - Quick recap of what we did last week 06:59 - We want to get the token dynamically 09:13 - Exploring the oauth_credential table 22:16 - We have a working script to retrieve the token!

Josh Nerius

3 minute read

I know it’s late in the day, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to blog about International Talk Like a Pirate Day. In this quick tutorial, we’ll create a simple scoped integration app that uses ARRPI, the Talk like a Pirate translation API. I’ve already created a skeleton (arrrrrr, see what I did there?) scoped app where I’ll write my code, and I’ll assume you know how to do the same (if not, check out Building a ServiceNow Application on the Developer Portal).

Josh Nerius

3 minute read

RestMessageV2 API Applies to: Geneva, Helsinki and beyond. Have you ever needed to: Retrieve something using RESTMessageV2 Save that thing as an attachment on a record Do something with the newly generated attachment? This recently came up as a question over in the sndevs slack channel, and I realized that I knew how to accomplish #1 and #2, but didn’t know how to actually identify the attachment to achieve #3 without some ugly hacks.