Brad Tilton

3 minute read

Last week we dove into creating and using data resources in UI Builder by binding the output from a data resource to component properties in order to make our components more dynamic. This week we’ll continue our UI Builder series by looking at the Entity View Action Mapper (EVAM) type of data source. What if you want to show a data element as a card in a row, list, or a grid view, rather than one of the list components?

Peter Bell Andrew Barnes

4 minute read

Inserting, Updating, and Deleting in GlideQuery! Part 2 of the GlideQuery Series. Read Part 1 to catch up. This is the second in a series of blog posts showing practical examples and patterns using GlideQuery. I believe one of the quickest ways to learn is by diving straight into examples. We’ll start with simple read queries and move on to more advanced topics with each post. Let’s begin! Inserting new GlideQuery(‘task’) .

Ben Sweetser

2 minute read

Recent Learning Modules We are always looking to add relevant learning content to the Developer Site. At the end of the 2020, we released three new learning modules: Data Policies Notifications in Flow Designer Data Stream Actions NOTE: These links are for the learning modules on Quebec, which went into Early Availability on January 21. Use the release selector on the page to switch to Paris if you are working on the Paris release.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

Heath Ramsey, Sr. Director of Product Management talks about what developers should know about setting up data to be successful with ServiceNow intelligence products, many of the intelligence products in the platform, what’s free and what’s paid for, the skills you’ll need, and more. Topics 00:00 Welcome/Introductions 04:46 Heath’s discoverys for maximum PA value 08:28 Structured data and unstructured data 09:54 Example of unstructured data (NLU) 11:38 AI Search 14:45 Flow Designer and machine learning 17:58 Adding value as a developer 20:45 The philosophy of ServiceNow and AI 23:24 Dynamic translation and better experiences 28:05 Regression framework 31:09 Developer skills required 33:30 Free and paid-for capabilities 35:38 Closing takeaways 37:28 Contact information 38:09 Outro Links NowLearning Developer Portal Docs heath.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

Topic: On this episode, join Andrew, and Brad as they explore the new Process Optimization application available in Quebec. About: Creator Toolbox is a weekly show provided by the ServiceNow Developer Program. Each Tuesday, join the Developer Advocate team and guests as they showcase the platform tools you need to get your job done quickly. Join us each Tuesday at 8AM PT/11AM ET (save the last Tuesday of each month.

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

It is ServiceNow’s new release season! With the Quebec release in Early Access, we will show some enhancements targeted around being more effective and efficient as a developer. To get access to these new things, you have to upgrade! This article will be about three new features in Analytics, Reporting, and Intelligence. To view the whole list, check out the release docs. AI Search New search! I am so excited about the new search capabilities released in Quebec.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

Topic: Topic: Brad Tilton shows us how to create parameter screens to make input easier on the mobile app. About: Live Coding Happy Hour is a weekly show provided by the ServiceNow Developer Program. Each week join as the Developer Advocate team along with guests work on a developing and enhancing real applications with unscripted and unprepared examples. See how experts at ServiceNow problem solve and learn new parts of the Now Platform.

Brad Tilton

4 minute read

We are releasing some UI Builder related content every week during the Quebec Early Availability period. So far we’ve covered how to get started and a quick overview, and all about pages in UI Builder. This week we’ll be focusing on Data Resources. A Data Resource in UI Builder allows you to fetch data from the instance to the page and then consume that data from a component. Previous to the Quebec release, component authors had to hard code REST or GraphQL queries as well as any data transformations into their components.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

Topic: On this episode, join Chuck, and Brad as they explore he new mobile card builder in Quebec. Prior to this release, you could pick from a variety of pre-built card layouts. Now with Q, you can finally design your own! About: Creator Toolbox is a weekly show provided by the ServiceNow Developer Program. Each Tuesday, join the Developer Advocate team and guests as they showcase the platform tools you need to get your job done quickly.

Chuck Tomasi

5 minute read

Quebec continues to enhance the mobile client features with some really cool stuff that will increase adoption to your end users. Here are a few of my favorites (and what I am most looking forward to when GA becomes available.) Advanced Search (AI Search) AI Search provides a more consumer-like experience across the platform. It is available on the instance as well as the mobile platform to produce more accurate search results than the traditional (Zing) keyword based search.