Brad Tilton Andrew Barnes

5 minute read

Working Remotely Tips and Tricks About As companies start to encourage (or mandate) their employees to work from home/remote (WFH) temporarily due to COVID-19 many of these employees will include ServiceNow developers. We’ve worked remotely for more than 13 years combined, from multiple houses, countries, planes, trains, and automobiles. Having experienced the WFH differences between 7 different companies, we wanted to give some tips from our experiences. Before you leave the office Make sure that you are set up to access your instance outside of your offices.

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

If you are trying to build your first component on a personal developer instance(PDI), you will run into some issues. ServiceNow is aware of the problems, and we will have them fixed up for you. In the meantime, here are the workarounds. Component Building for PDIs The company code for PDIs are numbered, and web components can’t start with numbers. The now-cli automatically inserts your scope name into the component name, thus causing the issue.

Andrew Barnes

5 minute read

It has been a pleasure writing blogs on the platform features we believe developers want to know about and their changes during the Early Access period of the Orlando Release. I hope you have found them to be useful and relevant to you as a developer. The Developer Blog will continue to seek out topics for technical deep dives as we exit the release season. One more thing! Wait, we can’t go just yet, you say?

Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

The teaser is no longer needed. The new site is here! The site has been rebuilt to be streamlined and personalized so you can get the information you are seeking faster, and take the actions you need quicker. In addition to all the existing content, the site has introduced content for developers and designers to leverage the new Now Experience UI Framework and Design System. Most of the site is now built from the ground up with the tools provided in the UI Framework.

Dave Slusher

4 minute read

Orlando IntegrationHub Changes The Orlando release has been in Early Availability for weeks and GA is right around the corner. I previously covered the Flow Designer changes in Orlando and in this post I will do the same for IntegrationHub. Dynamic Outputs New York introduced Dynamic Inputs and now with Orlando we have Dynamic Outputs. These allow developers to define the data structure of a complex object programmatically and then use that as the output of an action.

Brad Tilton

2 minute read

Brad Joins the Developer Program Team About Me My name is Brad Tilton, and I am the newest Developer Advocate with ServiceNow’s Developer Program! I have been developing on the Now Platform since 2008 as a customer admin/developer, partner developer, architect, and trainer, and also as a ServiceNow employee. As an employee, I’ve held roles advising our Technology Partners on building store applications and enabling customers with best practice guides and other material.

Andrew Barnes Patrick DeMartine

3 minute read

Changes are coming to the Developer Site - Don’t Panic! Hello, fellow ServiceNow Developers! Grab your towels and get ready! In a few weeks, you will notice a completely new user experience on the Developer Site. After five years, we figured it was time for an update. We have made considerable changes to the site while maintaining our core values: the site is useful and is easy to use. Once the redesign of the site is launched, we will have a follow-up blog post that walks you through the changes in detail so you can instantly take advantage of the site.

Andrew Barnes

5 minute read

It is ServiceNow’s new release season! With the Orlando release in Early Access, we will show some enhancements targeted around being more effective and efficient as a developer. These tools are specifically for developers and scripting on the Now Platform. Script Include Dependency A new contextual menu has appeared for your script includes. You might already be familiar with the open definition when using the contextual menu on a script include.

Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

It is ServiceNow’s new release season! With the Orlando release in Early Access, we will show some platform features and enhancements that are a bit more admin focused. Typically the Developer Blog is focused on application development, but handling the instance and data also is sometimes done by developers. Cloning Configuring clones can take significant time, depending on how many instances and the complexity of the setup required. Clone profiles have been introduced in Orlando to help simplify and automate the process.

Dave Slusher

3 minute read

Orlando Flow Designer Changes The Orlando release, as with every release since the original introduction, features a number of new features and improvements in Flow Designer and IntegrationHub. In this post I will look at Flow Designer specifically with a future post covering InterationHub. Create a flow with an SLA Task trigger In Orlando there is a new trigger type SLA Task and new actions that work with SLAs. This allows for SLA based logic to be written and maintaqined in flows.