Dave Slusher

4 minute read

As the tour of New York features continues for Early Availability season, we come to one of our favorite features around here - IntegrationHub. Over time as the feature set becomes more robust, more and more of the functionality we create is via IntegrationHub. OpenAPI Support As of New York, there is now support for Open API. For those familiar with the WSDL concept in SOAP, this is much the same type of thing.

Andrew Barnes

4 minute read

New York features for Admins! It is ServiceNow new release season! With the New York release in Early Access, today, we will show some platform features and enhancements that are a bit more admin focused. Typically the Developer Blog is focused on application development, but we are aware that handling the instance and data also is done by developers. Instance Data Replication Cloning is the solution for keeping instances synchronized from developer drift.

Dave Slusher

1 minute read

Over on the Acorio blog, Meghan Lockwood published a list of 27 ServiceNow professionals to follow. All of the present and former developer advocates of this program were on that list: myself, Andrew Barnes and Josh Nerius. It is a great honor to be included in this list. Speaking for all three of us it is a proud moment for everyone. Thank you Meghan! If you are looking for information and inspiration related to the Now Platform, that list is a very good one to follow on social media.

Dave Slusher

3 minute read

Guided Tours is a ServiceNow feature that doesn’t get quite its due as the powerhouse it is. It is really a great way to increase user satisfaction and remove that bit of frustration when rolling out new functionality in your instance. Inside the Developer Program itself, when we rolled out a feature for Meetup reimbursements we added a Guided Tour to explain all the steps. In New York, there are a few key enhancements to make this great feature even better.

Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

It is ServiceNow new release season! With the New York release in Early Access, we will cover some of the features newly available to application developers. In this post, I will cover more of the new features and enhancements in Flow Designer. Visit Part 1 of New York: Flow Designer if you missed it. Complex Data Complex data objects are now available to be created in your flows and actions!

Dave Slusher

4 minute read

As we discuss the new features of New York, it is only natural I should discuss first one of my great loves in the platform - the Automated Test Framework. Every release since it was introduced expands the capabilities of this tool and New York is no exception. Here are the highlights but the full list is here. Parallel Testing and Mutually Exclusive Tests In previous releases, ATF ran effectively a single thread of testing.

Andrew Barnes

4 minute read

It is ServiceNow new release season! With the New York release in Early Access, we will cover some of the features newly available to application developers. In this post, I will discuss some of the new features and enhancements in Flow Designer. Two of the features were included in the last Live Code Happy Hour show on July 26th. Inline Script One of the features I am most excited about in Flow Designer is Inline Scripting.

Dave Slusher

2 minute read

New York is Released!! It is that time of the year, new release Early Availability time. It’s my favorite season of the year! New for Developers in New York Studio - JS Beautify, Conditional Breakpoints, Context Menu updates Automated Test Framework - Mutually Exclusive Tests, Create User step, Rollback Browser Flow Designer - Complex data and scripts, Inline Scripts and Editor, Inbound Email Triggers Mobile Studio - for migrating Madrid mobile apps to the New York paradigm Those are just a few of the highlights you will find in the New York ServiceNow release.

Andrew Barnes

5 minute read

What is GlideAggregate Earlier this year, the blog visited the topic of GlideRecord. I shall set my sites on the friend and close relative to GlideRecord, GlideAggregate. GlideAggregate is an extension of GlideRecord. It provides the capability to do aggregation (COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG). These operations can be done with regular GlideRecord use, but with GlideAggregate, they are optimized around these use cases and offer significant efficiencies. Let’s look at an example GlideAggregate setup.

Dave Slusher

5 minute read

One of the unsung features in the Automated Test Framework is that you can use it to test your Scripted REST APIs. I’m a fan of having as much robotic coverage as possible, so backstopping API development with tests is a good thing. Let’s look at how to do that. I will use an example of a relatively recent API that I developed, the commenting system on this very blog. I’ll create a test that: