Flow Designer received many new features and enhancements in the Paris release, and I’m going to focus on the intersection of Flow Designer and Service Catalog for this post. Flow Designer is an important component in automating the process behind Service Catalog requests, and every release brings a tighter integration and additional support for the catalog in Flow Designer. Submit Catalog Item Request action The first enhancement is a new action that ships with Paris called Submit Catalog Item Request.
Flow Designer
It is ServiceNow’s new release season! With the Paris release in Early Access, we will show some enhancements targeted around being more effective and efficient as a developer. To get access to these new things, you have to upgrade! This article will be about two new features in Flow Designer. To view the whole list, check out the release docs. Run with Roles One new enablement is Run with Roles in the trigger settings for a flow.
Use Branches on Make a decision Flow Designer continues to improve in the Paris release. If you haven’t at least started exploring Flow Designer, or made the commitment to create your new business logic using Flow, we’ve got a couple more features in the Paris release to tempt you to take another look. Existing Flow advocates are going to love this too! First, the Make a decision logic has been improved to include a simple checkbox labeled Use Branches.
We hope everyone has been enjoying the Knowledge 20 Digital Experience and great deal of associated content over the past 5 weeks. Since there is so much content it can be difficult to browse specific topics or know where to focus, so we want to help by calling out some of that content in a series of posts. This post is focused on all of the sessions we found related to Flow Designer broken down by session type.
Orlando Flow Designer Changes The Orlando release, as with every release since the original introduction, features a number of new features and improvements in Flow Designer and IntegrationHub. In this post I will look at Flow Designer specifically with a future post covering InterationHub. Create a flow with an SLA Task trigger In Orlando there is a new trigger type SLA Task and new actions that work with SLAs. This allows for SLA based logic to be written and maintaqined in flows.
Spoketoberfest is wrapping up. Some of you earned your shirt from Digital Ocean (I did this year). Some of you will continue to work on your Spoke to achieve publishabilty after the month has ended. Once you reach the point of feeling ready to publish your Spoke to Share, what then? In this post, I will walk through the steps. Pre-Publishing Checklist The following are some of the lessons digested from the Spoke best practices document
Dynamic Inputs One of the great features in the New York release is the inclusion of Dynamic Inputs. It can be tedious to develop a Flow when it requires a script step to transform data from one form to another. Dynamic Inputs to the rescue! Imagine the case where the inputs to an Action inside of a Flow are based on the data outside of your instance such as creating a record in an external system.
Store Releases ServiceNow will now be releasing spokes when they are ready. No longer waiting until the next family release for all feature updates. The first batch of these spokes was released into the wild in early March. While this isn’t a deep dive technical post, it is very relevant to previous and future posts. For example our post and videos about JWT signing Part 1 and Part 2.
As we continue our lightning tour of new developer-facing features of the Madrid release, we touch on some that are not net-new but include relevant changes. Today’s post is one of these. The London release featured the first release of Flow Designer APIs that allowed for invoking Flows via JavaScript APIs. That capability has been beefed up in Madrid and we’ll look at that. Server-Side Flow APIs The London release had two APIs, startAsync for Flows and SubFlows.
Much of the work for Flow Designer in the Madrid release has been towards achieving feature parity with Workflows. That is to say that any work that could previously be done in a Workflow could now also be done in Flow Designer. Here is one of those features. Do Until Loops This is a common bit of logic that is needed in any programming context, and now it is available in Flows.