Patrick DeMartine

8 minute read

Thank you to all who responded to the survey that we conducted from March to April. We appreciate the time, feedback, and insights you provided. The survey results will play a vital role in continuing to shape the Developer Program and Site for not only your needs but the greater ecosystem as well. Below is an infographic of the results followed by a more detailed explanation of each graphic/area. Please share your comments and thoughts below.

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

It is with joy and regret that Knowledge19 is over. Thousands of attendees, partners, and staff descended upon Las Vegas to attend the hundreds of breakouts, labs, and workshops. I am going to share a few of my thoughts about the event. CreatorCon The CreatorCon events are at the core of what we do here on the developer site. I mostly was only able to see the activities in which I was presenting.

Dave Slusher

2 minute read

Ever since personal developer instances were introduced, the ServiceNow developer community has had a complicated relationship with them. We give them out for free but we don’t have infinite capacity so at points we have run out of them. We introduced hibernation to allow us to fit more on the same set of infrastructure. They do expire after 10 days of disuse, and this continues to happen. However We have introduced a new feature in the program.

Andrew Barnes

6 minute read

Guide to Knowledge So, Knowledge conference. Having attended five prior events and leveraging the help and aid of those with even more experience, I will offer tips for getting the most out of the event. Fifteen conferences have come before. 2019 will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada with nearly 18,000 in attendance. CreatorCon which is in its 4th year will have 6,000 developers. This conference inside the conference will be a large part of any developers experience at the event.

Dave Slusher

4 minute read

During our flurry of posts about Madrid features, I posted about some of the changes to Automated Test Framework . There were a few pieces that I didn’t mention so I am going to round that out over time, starting with testable components. Speaking personally, ATF is one of my favorite new development tools of the last three years. What can I say, I love having robots working for me.

Andrew Barnes

1 minute read

Store Releases ServiceNow will now be releasing spokes when they are ready. No longer waiting until the next family release for all feature updates. The first batch of these spokes was released into the wild in early March. While this isn’t a deep dive technical post, it is very relevant to previous and future posts. For example our post and videos about JWT signing Part 1 and Part 2.

Thank You for Participating

We appreciate your support

Ben Sweetser

1 minute read

Many Thanks! Thank you for taking the time to complete the hands-on exercise in one of our tutorial blogs! You inspire us to create great learning experiences. Your feedback helps us plan new learning experiences.

Not sure what this post is about? If you have stumbled upon this post and do not know what it means, visit one of our Tutorial blog posts and complete the hands-on exercises.

Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

Conditions Conditions live in quite a few places in our lives as developers. In ServiceNow, they play an important role not just in our code, but also spread throughout the Graphical Interfaces in the no/low code components. The condition builder has flexibility and some common pitfalls that we are going to explore in this article.

The condition builder starts with a field, an operator, and the operator’s inputs. Which operator and the types and numbers of inputs depend on the field type being selected.

Dave Slusher

9 minute read

One of the many exciting features of the Madrid release is that inclusion of JWT (JSON Web Tokens) as a supported authentication type. Before this feature, I had been working with very limited success to help a Box user integrate with ServiceNow via JWT. JWT are non-trivial to construct and require access to cryptographic tools, so having them in the platform is a big step up. I’m going to walk through the steps I took to get an integration working with Box.