Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

Share Spotlight Welcome to the latest share spotlight! Every Friday we will be spotlighting a project from the Share site on the Developer Portal. SNDocs For this installment, we are featuring a project called SNDocs authored by Callum Ridley. This project adds a couple of script includes and a global UI Action. The goal of this share item is to bring some functionality that is similar to JSDoc. This appears to be an excellent 1.

Dave Slusher

6 minute read

One of the bits of ServiceNow development I have found the most challenging is dealing with Credentials and Aliases, specifically those for OAuth2. More then one session of Live Coding Happy Hour ended in failure specifically because of my inability to grasp a) what was happening at all in the OAuth and Credentials data model and b) where I should be looking for any specific piece of the puzzle. Compound that by the fact that our prime use of this is in our YouTube spoke where we wanted to have something in the scope and the spoke by default but I wasn’t exactly sure what that should be .

Simplify Queries with Encoded Queries

Tutorial on using encoded queries to simplify complex GlideRecord queries.

#GlideRecord , #GlideRecord Query , #Query , #Scripting , #Server Side Scripting , #Encoded Query

Ben Sweetser

6 minute read

We are experimenting with new training content delivery methods. This tutorial blog post is one of those experiments. We are very interested in your feedback. Please let us know what you think about this format and the content in the comments below. Introduction With GlideRecord queries, you can find any set of records you need in ServiceNow. Not all queries are easy to write, though, especially if you need to work with date fields or OR operators.

Counting with GlideAggregate

Tutorial on using GlideAggregate to count.

#GlideAggregate , #Server Side Scripting , #Scripting , #Count

Ben Sweetser

10 minute read

We are experimenting with new training content delivery methods. This tutorial blog post is one of those experiments. We are very interested in your feedback. Please let us know what you think about this format and the content in the comments below. Introduction As my youngest child was learning to count, he would always miss number 14. “…eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, sixteen…” Now he is six years old and counts by ones like a pro.

Shortcut GlideRecord Queries with get

Tutorial on the GlideRecord get() method to return a single record

#GlideRecord , #GlideRecord get , #get , #Scripting , #Server Side Scripting

Ben Sweetser

9 minute read

We are experimenting with new training content delivery methods. This tutorial blog post is one of those experiments. We are very interested in your feedback. Please let us know what you think about this format and the content in the comments below. Introduction Sometimes you know exactly what you want. You do not have the server at a restaurant bring you every chicken item on the menu and then decide which to eat.

Dave Slusher

2 minute read

Share Spotlight Welcome to the Share Spotlight! Every Friday we will be spotlighting a project from the Share site on the Developer Portal. Bulk Download & Naming of Update Sets In this installment, we are looking at a utility called Bulk Download & Naming of Update Sets. In true shareable code fashion, this solves one discrete problem and solves it quite well. When you export and download an update set, you get a cryptically named file based on the sys_id of the update set record.

Andrew Barnes

4 minute read

Walk-up Experience Why are we featuring Walk-up Experience in a technical blog you might ask yourself. Reasonable question. The answer is because two new technical capabilities are enabled in London, which is utilized in the new Walk-up Experience plugin available in London. Let’s dive into these new capabilities. This week we will explore Extension Points. In two weeks we will explore Interactions. Extension Points The first new feature we will explore is Extension Points.

Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

Share Spotlight Welcome to the second share spotlight! Every Friday we will be spotlighting a project from the Share site on the Developer Portal. Fill Mandatory Fields For the next installment, we are featuring a project called Fill Mandatory Fields authored by Vijaya Sadasivuni. This project adds one Global UI Action to add some quality of life adjustments for ServiceNow Developers specifically. It solves a very handy need for developers while they are testing - filling in all the mandatory fields for a given record.

Dave Slusher

7 minute read

Flow Designer is a great tool to create business logic, particularly by those outside of traditional development roles: process owners, subject matter experts and the like. However, it is almost certain that sooner or later they will want to create Flows that require Actions that do not exist in the baseline system nor easily available Spokes. So then what? My suggestion is that this is where the traditional developers should step in, by creating Actions for use by those business users who don’t want to get deep in the implementation details.

Ben Sweetser

9 minute read

We are experimenting with new training content delivery methods. This tutorial blog post is one of those experiments. We are very interested in your feedback. Please let us know what you think about this format and the content in the comments below. Introduction Newer developers in the Developer Program have requested additional hands-on work with GlideRecord. While many of the training modules include examples with GlideRecord, this “bonus exercise” adds hands-on experience with GlideRecords in Business Rules.