What is a Developer Advocate? Our job as developer advocates is to help make ServiceNow developers as successful as possible building and developing on the Now Platform. We do that by enabling developers, fostering community, and advocating on behalf of ServiceNow developers to our internal product and development teams to make the Now Platform better for developers. We are your voice to our internal teams. What kind of things do we do?

Andrew Barnes

1 minute read

Happy Diwali!! As we enter the US Holiday Season I wanted to let our awesome developer site users know we wish them a Happy Diwali. You are each beacons of light that help spread love and happiness to those around you!

Brad Tilton

4 minute read

On this past week’s Live Coding Happy Hour show we continued to enhance our cooking management application, which manages and tracks long cooks like smoking meat for 18 hours. The scenario we were looking to solve was that we needed a way to use Siri to create a cook record and then create some additional records during the cook. We ended up creating a subflow, creating a scripted REST API that calls the subflow, and then calling that scripted REST API from an Apple Shortcut.

Brad Tilton

2 minute read

In case you missed it, CreatorCon 2020 was the place to be for developers of all levels on October 27th. Thousands tuned in to watch, chat with speakers, and engage in live networking sessions aimed at putting a little action back to our digital world, but donbt despair! We’ve got you covered with access to all the content including a special edition of Live Coding Happy Hour hosted by yours truly.

Hacktoberfest and ServiceNow Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

Hacktoberfest 2020 is all wrapped up and finished. What a fun event it was this year. Our awesome developer MVPs did a great job setting up and coordinating the Now Components GitHub org for the dozen of repositories that were collaborated on there. It resulted in my first podcast recording ever with the Author of Podcasting for Dummies Chuck Tomasi. Brad and I acted as maintainers on both the component and spoke orgs, which was a ton of fun.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

Learn more about two new features of Paris, Process Automation Designer and Playbook from the man who knows - Software Engineering Manager Yaron Guez. We take you through the features and even some behind the scenes looks at where we come up with ideas and features for platform capabilities like this. Listen Subscribe to Break Point Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music Stitcher TuneIn RSS

Chuck Tomasi

3 minute read

I’m going to assume you know the basics of creating a widget and how the Service Portal widget editor works. Recently, I was talking with David Loo from Perspectium about the early days of development on the Now Platform. He told me an interesting story about Fred Luddy. It seems Fred found it a fire-able offense to copy code. OK, we’ve all done it because we’ve built that sort algorithm, widget, or component before, but the point he was trying to make is two-fold.

Brad Tilton

8 minute read

As part of the Now Platform Paris release, ServiceNow has added a new capability called the GraphQL API Framework. This API framework allows you to create a custom GraphQL API to query record data from a component or third-party system. What is GraphQL and why should I use it? GraphQL is a web query language originally created by Facebook, but now open-source, optimized for client-side development. It aims to solve problems like under and over fetching of data, versioning, and endpoint sprawl.

Lisa Holenstein

5 minute read

There are many applications and teams in ServiceNow today that may be participating in your business processes. Simple processes are easy enough to handle, like basic requests requiring approval and a task or two. Once different departments are involved, like when requesting a new office setup, it becomes more complicated. Multiple teams will be involved, like IT, Workplace Services, or HR for approvals. Process Automation Designer (PAD) is a new application in Paris that will elevate your business processes to the next level.