Adam Stout

3 minute read

One of the significant advantages of developing on the Now Platform is access to Now Intelligence. I wanted to take a quick look at some of the important improvements in Paris you’ll want to be aware of. Performance Analytics & Reporting Interactive Filters are now free. Previously, the use of Interactive Filters (including custom Interactive Filters) required a Performance Analytics license. This is no longer the case.B Now you can leverage Interactive Filters on all your dashboards to give your users a more tailored and interactive experience.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

In July 2020, I had the chance to join the only and only David Loo, CEO of Perspectium, to discuss technical and data debt on a webinar originally titled “Don’t break the bank”. This audio is a rebroadcast of that webinar for those who may have missed it. Host Craig McDonough also from Perspectium and ServiceNow alumni moderates the discussion.

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Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

IntegrationHub week is still going strong! The last two new Paris related features I will highlight on the blog will be the Payload Builder API and the JSON Parser action step. JSON Parser Building and extending spokes is one of my current favorite things to develop. One of the most common parts of integration is handling the response. Introduced in the New York release was the XML Parser step. With the Paris release, the other main format, JSON, is handled with the JSON parser step.

Chuck Tomasi

3 minute read

Data Sources Refresher Before I cover the newest feature, I want to provide a quick refresher on what data sources are and the role they play with importing data into your ServiceNow instance. Data sources are the first part of importing data from files, JDBC (databases), web services, and more. The data is stored in a staging table called an import set, a tabular representation of the data you extracted from the data source.

Chuck Tomasi

1 minute read

Join us as we cover a few of the new developer features in the Paris release. Chuck is joined by special guest ServiceNow Sr. Software Engineer, Dave Slusher. Dave is a familiar name (and voice) to the developer community. For several years he was a former Developer Advocate and co-host of Live Coding Happy Hour and TechNow. One detail - this discussion covers a lot of the Flow Designer and IntegrationHub features - fear not!

Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

It is ServiceNow’s new release season! With the Paris release in Early Access, we will show some enhancements targeted around being more effective and efficient as a developer. To get access to these new things, you have to upgrade! This article will be about a new feature in IntegrationHub. To view the whole list, check out the release docs. Connection Manager Dashboard The connections dashboard is a new interface inside Flow Designer to manage connections.

Chuck Tomasi

3 minute read

I’ve got three more Flow Designer enhancements to make your lives a bit easier. They are: Action instance ordering Ghost actions Duplicate action instance Action instance ordering The first is pretty straight forward. Prior to Paris, action numbering was “outline based”. Every time you added a new if, for each, or other action that created an indent level, a decimal was added on to your action numbers. While this may seem innocuous at first, it could make inline scripting challenging when referencing action 3.

Brad Tilton

2 minute read

Flow Designer received many new features and enhancements in the Paris release, and I’m going to focus on the intersection of Flow Designer and Service Catalog for this post. Flow Designer is an important component in automating the process behind Service Catalog requests, and every release brings a tighter integration and additional support for the catalog in Flow Designer. Submit Catalog Item Request action The first enhancement is a new action that ships with Paris called Submit Catalog Item Request.

Andrew Barnes

3 minute read

It is ServiceNow’s new release season! With the Paris release in Early Access, we will show some enhancements targeted around being more effective and efficient as a developer. To get access to these new things, you have to upgrade! This article will be about two new features in Flow Designer. To view the whole list, check out the release docs. Run with Roles One new enablement is Run with Roles in the trigger settings for a flow.

Chuck Tomasi

3 minute read

Use Branches on Make a decision Flow Designer continues to improve in the Paris release. If you haven’t at least started exploring Flow Designer, or made the commitment to create your new business logic using Flow, we’ve got a couple more features in the Paris release to tempt you to take another look. Existing Flow advocates are going to love this too! First, the Make a decision logic has been improved to include a simple checkbox labeled Use Branches.