First Share Item

Creating your first share item

#Developer Portal , #Share , #UI Action

Andrew Barnes

4 minute read

Insipration So, you want to contribute something back to the community. You have come to the right place. Share is a great way to get handy utilities, inspiration, and help others. A little over a week ago I featured a the Add to Update Set Utility share item by Ben Hollifield. It is a very handy tool and has lots of features that I believe are not well known.

Andrew Barnes

8 minute read

The ServiceNow Developer Program recently went on the road to visit London. NowForum: London edition featured one full day of content just for developers with 800 attendees. The second day which was for all things ServiceNow had 2,500 attendees. Dave Slusher, Chuck Tomasi, Jason Mckee, and Andrew Barnes were all teaching workshops on day 1 of the event. You are welcome to jump down to the event proper if you don’t want to read about my travels!

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

Share Spotlight Welcome to the second share spotlight! Every Friday we will be spotlighting a project from the Share site on the Developer Portal. UI16 Developer Patch For the next installment, we are featuring a project called UI16 Developer Patch authored by friend of the Developer Program and London Meetup organizer James Neale. This project adds two Global UI Scripts to add some quality of life adjustments for ServiceNow Developers specifically.

Dave Slusher

3 minute read

As Flow Designer gets more real world use, the feature set continues to evolve towards the needs of production customers. In the London release, one of those features is Subflows. By its nature, Flow Designer is pleasingly fractal in nature. You build a Flow out of Actions. When you drill into Actions, the UI looks almost the same as the Action Steps build into the Action. Subflows are another layer of this fractal, allowing for reuse by building a piece of a Flow that can be reused in multiple Flows or even across the same Flow.

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

Share Spotlight Welcome to the second share spotlight! Every Friday we will be spotlighting a project from the Share site on the Developer Portal. Add to Update Set For the second installment, we are featuring a project called Add to Update Set Utility authored by friend of the Developer Program Ben Hollifield. This project adds a Global UI Action to place items into your current update set that might not normally be saved to an update set.

Last year we spotlighted a way that ServiceNow developers can be part of Digital Ocean’s Hacktoberfest challenge. About a dozen people participated and earned themselves a sweet t-shirt. I personally love mine!

Points Thing The official project of the Developer Program for Hacktoberfest is Points Thing. This is a bot that lives on an instance and is responsible for managing the points assigned on the sn-devs Slack channel whenever you execute the @user++ syntax.

Dave Slusher

2 minute read

Share Spotlight we are beginning a new feature here on the Developer Blog. Every Friday we will be spotlighting a project from the Share site on the Developer Portal. We dug deep and decided to call this “Share Spotlight”. Show Flow Context For the first installment, we are featuring a project called Show Flow Context authored by friend of the Developer Program Tom Cullen. This project does one thing, which is to add a UI Action to Task based records to show active Flows for that record.

Andrew Barnes

4 minute read

Release Process Properly managing your development work and how it is stored and released is often as important as the development work itself. None of us want to have the management of our update sets jeopardize successful releases. I will share some of the tips and methods for making the ServiceNow release process easier from my experience managing the release process at multiple companies. Batching With the Jakarta release, and improvement to update set management was introduced.

Dave Slusher

3 minute read

Along with the London release comes new APIs that can be used by developers. Here are a few of the ones of particular interest to ServiceNow developers. The full list is available here. I have previously posted about starting Flows and Subflows with the startAsync() method, so if you want more detail check that out here . Glide Security Utils There is a new API called GlideSecurityUtils. This is used for cleaning input and preventing things like script injection and cross-site scripting attacks.

Andrew Barnes

1 minute read

Joining Developer Program Greetings this is Andrew Barnes! The developer advocacy arm of the developer program has helped grow and empower the ServiceNow developer community. Dave Slusher and formerly Josh Nerius have done an amazing job with this program. The developer community would not be the same without them and their efforts. A short while ago I joined ServiceNow and specifically the developer advocate team. I have been developing on the ServiceNow platform since being inspired at Knowledge 14.